Friday, August 13, 2010


It's been a hot and humid two weeks!  I went for a run tonight at dusk to try and get in my AT intervals    ( 20 min wu, 4 x 7 min in lvl 3 down to 130 bpm between) and to stretch my legs before a day of travel tomorrow.  I think it ranked in the top 10 runs of my life.  So effortless without heat and humidity.  I'm sure I ran faster tonight than I did running VO2 Max intervals (7 x 3 min in lvl 4) on Wedenesday afternoon when I almost melted.

I didn't get any rollerskiing in this week.  Preparing for vacation and an unexpected visit from a friend  made getting out for a run or a late night weight session all that I could manage.  In passed seasons, I would not exercise if I couldn't do exactly what the schedule said.  When I was reviewing my training after last season, I realized how stupid that was.  Now, my attitude is that any workout is better than no workout.  Besides, I (you) do this for fun so it shouldn't be stressful.

Peter and I are leaving for Alaska tomorrow.  I'm looking forward to hiking and mountain biking and maybe even a little paddling.  Enjoy the cooler temps.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

CXC Week 3

The third week of each 4-week CXC plan has the highest volume and intensity of all the weeks.  In three years, I don't think I've ever been able to make week 3 the highest volume and intensity week--because of schedule, family stuff, whatever.  This week, I finally did it. 

What I really like about the CXC academy plans is the consistent schedule.  However, its taken a while for me to know how to modify the schedule when it doesn't fit into my week.  This week was a good example of how flexibility paid off.  For example, I was in a wedding yesterday (Saturday) so I moved the Saturday specific strength and AT intervals to Monday.  This was only possible because I opted for a hike at Blue Mound State Park with my mom the previous Sunday instead of an OD day.  Furthermore, VO2 max intervals got pushed to Friday, and I think I made it out of bed one morning this week for a strength workout before work to beat the afternoon heat.

The week culminated with a beautiful (albeit hot and sweaty) rollerski around Afton this morning.

Here's the weeks summary:

8/2:  5 x 7 min in lvl 3 running with warm up and cool down along river road followed by 15 x 1 min double pole workout at Battle Creek Park with my nephew!

8/3:  1.25 hour lvl 1-2 rollerski with nephew along river road around sundown.

8/4:  Rest day

8/5:  Lifted in the morning (focus is plyometrics and core work) and had Sisu skiers in the evening.  We did specific strength work with bungee-cords and footwork drills

8/6:  VO2 Max intervals--20 min warm-up, 8 x 3 min in lvl 4, 20 min cool-down (I'm getting smarter on these, took it easier on the first 4, ramped it up for 5 and 6, and let myself go all out on 7 and 8.)

8/7:  Friend's wedding

8/8:  3 hour rollerski with Dave Christopherson's group at Afton.  Fun.  I don't think I've ever sweat that much in my life . . . it was humid!!!